Welcome to Les Fleurs Interiors
Hi, my name is Casey and I’m the creator and owner of Les Fleurs Interiors.
Before I began my decorating journey I studied International Security the University of Texas in Austin. In my free time I’ve always turned to arts and crafts to fulfill my love for unique creations, also I have ZERO self control in a craft store!
I’ve made my fair share of paintings and sewing projects but really found my passion working with flowers. The idea behind Les Fleurs Interiors started for me when I made my first wreath for my apartment door, which lead to a new wreath every month that was more creative and subsequently larger than the last one. It wasn’t until my neighbors started asking where I bought my wreaths, and commenting on them that I really realized I had an eye for creating home decor items! This is why I’ve opened my shop in order to share my passion and creations with you.
Thank you for shopping my website, I hope you found a piece that you love and will keep me in mind for any future seasons decor! Please send me message on my contact page, via Facebook or Instagram, or email me at hello@lesfleursinteriors.com for any custom orders and sizes! I answer these messages daily and can’t wait to create something with you!