Add an extra wreath for your home sign


Purchasing one of my HOME Letter Sets but want an extra wreath?

Look no further, please choose your additional color hydrangea, lamb’s ear or boxwood wreath. Each of these wreaths measure approximately 14″ inches across and are 3″ in deep.

Single wreaths will be shipped with USPS Priority Mail or included with your HOME sign if purchased together. 

Thank you for shopping my website, I hope you found a piece that you love and will keep me in mind for any future seasons decor! For any inquiries or custom orders and sizes please contact me by sending an email at, through my contact page, or send a DM through one my social media accounts below.

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wreath color

boxwood wreath, lambs ear wreath, red hydrangea wreath, orange hydrangea wreath, pink hydrangea wreath, beige hydrangea wreath, blue hydrangea wreath, brown hydrangea wreath, purple hydrangea wreath, olive green hydrangea wreath


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